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NOV. 1983
(Amended August 1985)
(Amended August 1988)
(Amended March 1990)
(Amended October 1993)
(Amended January 1995)
(Amended January 1998)
(Amended August 1, 2001 – Article IV Section I)
(Amended March 5, 2003 – ARTICLE XIV added)
(Amended February 3, 2010 – Flying Operations Guidelines/Field Rules)
(Amended November 2, 2013 – Flying Operations Guidelines/Field Rules)
(Amended October 27, 2018, various areas)
(Amended December 7, 2019- ARTICLE XIV rewritten, FPV/Drone added, other misc. items)
(Amended July1, 2020 – Article III Items 1, 6 & 7; Article IV Section II; Article IX R & R 3)
In recognition of the increased complexity, diversity, and interest in the operation of radio controlled model aircraft, and further, in recognition of the need to increase the operating efficiency of our organization to accomplish these aims, we, the “Salinas Area Modelers”, hereby organize ourselves in conformity with the Bylaws hereinafter stated, and affiliate organization Academy of Model Aeronautics.
1. All members and guests must abide by the Academy of Model and Salinas Area Modelers Rules.
2. Only items belonging to the club may be stored in any fashion at the field, unless there is a specific weekend long event, limiting the club’s liability for lost or damaged items.
3. Overnight camping is only allowed during specific weekend long events that the Board has preapproved as per the terms of the lease with the County.
4. Guests are welcome but must be able to verify AMA membership before being granted flying status.
5. Aircraft must meet Salinas Area Modelers noise rules, aircraft must have a muffler or be below 85 dba @ 50 feet.
6. All Salinas Area Modelers are Safety Officers.
7. Take all trash off site for proper disposal, since there can be no dumping of any kind at the field.
8. Alcohol consumption or use of intoxicating drugs is NOT allowed at the Salinas Area Modelers flying site. Anyone entering the premises in an intoxicated state will be requested to vacate the area.
9. A cell phone may be used if the operation of the aircraft requires the cell phone to be connected to the aircraft’s controller. Otherwise, using a cell phone in any way is STRICTLY PROHIBITED while occupying a flying station regardless whether that person is flying or Page 2 of 16
not flying.
1. The name of the corporation shall be the “Salinas Area Modelers,” hereinafter referred to as the Club, located in Salinas, California.
1. The primary purpose of this Club shall be to provide the membership with a suitable location to operate model aircraft safely. This Club will function as a non-profit organization to promote the hobby.
There shall be the following classes of membership:
1. Full Member – 22 years of age January 1 of current year or older, shall be a full member in good standing of the Academy of Model Aeronautics (hereinafter referred as “AMA”), shall have full benefits and privileges and shall pay Full Member rate dues.
2. Associate Member – Non-flying, non-voting, therefore are not required to be members of AMA and pay Associate Membership rate dues.
3. Limited Member – Participants, other than (a) & (b) above, in Salinas Area Modelers club functions; 21 consecutive days flying privileges (with valid full AMA membership), no vote, no newsletter and pay Limited Membership rate dues.
4. Honorary Member – non-flying, non-voting and are not required to be members of AMA. Honorary members are selected by a unanimous vote of the Board of Directors for their outstanding support of the club and pay no dues.
5. Life Member – are Active Members who are selected by a unanimous vote of the Board of Directors for exceptional service to the club over a long period of time. No further dues are required from Life Members but must maintain full AMA membership for flying privileges.
6. Junior Member – Under 19 years of age January 1 of current year, youth AMA member in good standing, has full benefits and privileges and pays Junior Member rate dues.
7. Intermediate Member – 19 years of age to and including 21 years of age January 1 of current year, attending college full time, full AMA member in good standing, has full benefits and privileges and pays Intermediate Member rate dues. Anyone 18 years of age or older not attending college are considered full Members and are subject to all the rules thereof. Page 3 of 16
1. The officers shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, Secretary and/or Treasurer, to be elected at the “Annual Meeting” as hereinafter designated. The officers will serve a term of office which shall be one year and shall commence during the January board meeting.
1. In order to conduct business, set policy, enter into negotiations, and make commitments and contracts on behalf of the Club, a Board of Governors is hereby established to serve the needs of the club. The Board of Governors, hereinafter referred to as the “Board”, shall consist of the officers of the club and three (3) members elected at large. All officers/board members must be club members with full benefits and privileges. The term of office as a Board member shall be one year and shall commence during the January board meeting. The President of the club shall be the Chairman of the Board.
1. The Club shall have an annual nomination committee serving from August through October. The Chairman shall be the current Vice President. A minimum of four members shall constitute a quorum to conduct the business of this committee.
1. The Nomination Committee, heretofore described, shall meet annually prior to the November meeting and after due deliberation shall present for consideration by the membership a slate of candidates for the offices of President, Vice-President, Secretary and/or Treasurer and positions as required by the board. Nominations shall also be open to the floor at the October meeting for the proposal of candidates other than those selected by the nomination committee. Each elective office shall be voted upon individually. The nomination committee shall provide its slate a minimum of one month in advance of the election with nominations accepted from the floor no less than one month in advance of the election.
2. A secret written ballot shall be required and shall be made by mail-in ballot. The ballots shall be mailed to the membership no later than the second week of November. A write-in vote on the ballot will be accepted. Page 4 of 16
In addition to the Board of Governors, there may committees appointed annually at the discretion of the President of the club to serve terms concurrent with his own and to report to the President and to the Board. Any committee chairman shall be a full member. Examples of committees are Safety, Special Events, Social Activities, Contest Directors, or any special committee to facilitate business of the club.
1. PRESIDENT: Shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the club and shall preside at all meetings of the organization or shall designate the Vice-President to preside in his place. He shall be an ex-officio member of all standing and special committees and may attend and participate in the meeting and/or activities of those committees, including the safety committee.
2. VICE-PRESIDENT: Shall act with the authority and the duties of the President in his absence and shall act as the representative of the President when the latter so requests. In addition, the Vice-President may have as his special project the procurement of speakers, the presentation of programs and the organization of the educational and scientific portions of the regular meeting.
3. SECRETARY: Shall keep all records pertaining to the activities of the club including the keeping of the minutes of the regular meetings of the club and the Board of Governors; Shall handle the correspondence of the club in the conduct of this business as directed by the President and the Board.
4. TREASURER: Shall be responsible for the collection and disbursement of all funds of the club as authorized by the Board of Governors.
5. BOARD: Shall be empowered to conduct normal and routine business of the club including the entering into of negotiations for contracts, authorizing the disbursement of funds, the collection of fees and assessments levied in accordance with these Bylaws and enacting disciplinary measures. The Board shall be required to submit all matters which represent a change in club policy to the general membership at a regular meeting for a vote, together with sufficient information to allow the membership to make an informed decision.
1. Vacancies in any office shall be filled by appointment by the remaining officers, such appointee to serve until the end of the term for which his/her predecessor was elected. Page 5 of 16
1. REGULAR MEETINGS: Unless otherwise changed in special circumstances by the Board, shall be fourth Saturday of each month April through October at the flying site, and at a prescribed location on the fourth Wednesday of the month December through March. A meeting will not be held in November. Additional meetings of a social nature may be called at the discretion of the Board.
2. SPECIAL MEETINGS: When the situation warrants, a special meeting may be called by the President, a majority of the Board, or by petition to the Secretary by signature of 10% of the current voting membership of the club. The agenda of a special meeting shall be limited strictly to agenda items. A minimum of seven (7) days’ notice to all members shall be required for a special meeting, whether by mail, telephone, or personal contact.
3. QUORUM TO CONDUCT BUSINESS: A quorum to conduct business of the club at a regular or special meeting shall constitute at least 10% of currently Full Members in good standing, as determined by the records of the Secretary.
4. CONDUCT OF MEETINGS: All meetings shall be conducted according to “Roberts Rules of Order”, but in the event of a conflict with the Bylaws, the Bylaws shall prevail. In any issue before the club, any member shall have the right to demand a secret ballot.
5. ANNUAL MEETING: The annual meeting shall be held each year in December at a time and place designated by the Social Committee, if so appointed, and approved by the board. It shall include on the agenda the results of the annual election of the officers and Board for the following year.
1. REGULAR MEETINGS: The Board shall meet prior to the regular monthly meeting of the club, at a time and place designated by the President of the club. It is the president’s prerogative to cancel any Board meeting if there are no agenda items requiring board consideration.
2. SPECIAL MEETING: Special meetings of the Board may be called at any time with 72 hours’ notice to all members who can be contacted. A quorum to conduct Board business shall be four members. Page 6 of 16
Section I: DUES
1. All members of the club shall be required to pay dues as prescribed by the AMA class to which they belong and local dues as fixed by the action of the membership and of the Board. Failure to pay dues shall be considered grounds for termination of membership in the club as elsewhere hereinafter provided.
1. All new members with full privileges are required to pay in addition to the regular dues a one-time field assessment (see Article IX, R & R 3).
2. All members shall be required to pay special, duly authorized assessments within thirty (30) days of enactment unless special circumstances specified in writing are presented to the board within that period of time. The Board shall have the authority to make exceptions to the rule when compliance would work a hardship upon a member.
3. All special assessments of the club proposed by the board, whether challenged or not, shall require approval by a majority vote of the members present at a meeting where a duly constituted quorum is in attendance.
Section III: AUDIT
1. The president or his appointees may make a periodic audit of the Treasurer’s books.
1. The fiscal year shall coincide with the calendar year beginning January 1 of each year.
1. Any member in good standing may resign his/her membership by giving written notice to the Club.
2. If any member ceases to have the qualifications necessary for membership in the AMA, his/her membership in the Club shall thereby terminate, subject to reinstatement upon restoration of eligibility.
3. This section provides for enforcement of unacceptable behavior by an individual member or members, as defined by the Board, and must be presented to the Board within 45 days of said occurrence and will become the responsibility of the Board. Any individual may be expelled from membership from the Club by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board if, in the Boards determination, such individual willfully commits any act or omission which is a violation of any of the terms of these articles of the Bylaws, or the Rules of the AMA, or which is detrimental to the Club, the AMA, or to model aviation.
4 Any member who is expelled from the membership may be reinstated to membership only by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board.
5 The Board shall have the discretionary authority to provide for and impose disciplinary action for such acts of omission, which do not justify expulsion from the membership.
6. Any member who has resigned, is terminated or expelled forfeits all rights and privileges Page 7 of 16
and all dues or assessments paid in advance (if any), at the time of resignation or termination/expulsion by the Board.
7. Any member who is reinstated to the Club shall be required to pay all dues and assessments due at the time of resignation, termination or expulsion, and in the case of expulsion to include the one-time field fee, before he/she may be reconsidered for membership.
RULES AND REGULATIONS: Appended to and made a part of these Bylaws shall be the rules and regulations of the Salinas Area Modelers. This shall be adequate to govern the activities of all segments of the club and shall regulate all club programs.
R & R 1: Voting – All Full Members, Junior Members and Intermediate Members shall have the right to vote and hold office unless resignation, termination or expulsion has occurred.
R & R 2: Rule Making – A simple majority of those present at any properly constituted club meeting.
R & R 3: Field Fee – A Full Member, 19 years of age or older on January 1 of the current year, shall pay a onetime field fee of $100. Only one fee need be paid per single family household provided the additional members from the household are either Junior or Intermediate Members. Active members of the Military Armed Forces are exempt from the field fee until such time as they are discharged and shall have one year from the date of discharge to pay said fee. Hardship cases will be decided by the board on an individual basis.
R & R 4: Radio Frequencies – Only frequencies as listed in the AMA Radio Control Utilization Plan shall be allowed for operation at any Salinas Area Modelers flying site.
R & R 5: Flying Site Policy Change – No rule change having an effect on flying operations at the Salinas Area Modelers flying site shall be voted on without being published in the club newsletter and circulated/posted at the said flying site a minimum of four consecutive weeks prior to the meeting at which said rule change will be voted on. This shall not preclude the enactment of an on the spot temporary alteration made necessary by the circumstances at the time.
R & R 6: SAFETY OFFICERS – All active members shall be acting safety officers when in attendance at any Salinas Area Modelers flying operation. The President or a person selected by the President shall be the Chief Safety Officer and whose decisions shall be final unless abrogated by the Board.
R & R 7: MEMBERSHIP PACKAGE – New members, and members who have not Page 8 of 16
received these listed items, shall receive the following:
1. Membership Card which includes name, AMA number and gate lock combination for field access.
2. Instructions for accessing the website where the Bylaws, Field Rules, and Flying Operation Guidelines may be found.
R & R 8: DUES – New members joining after June 1 will pay 2/3 the yearly dues; after October 1 – 1/3 the yearly amount. Amounts are to be rounded to the nearest whole dollar. Renewals will not be prorated under any circumstance. Any special assessment levied during the calendar year must be paid in full by a new member regardless of the joining date. Any member renewing after an absence must pay in full any special assessment levied during his/her absence. This does not include the Field Fee which is paid only once by any individual except as provided in Article VIII, Item 7.
These Bylaws may be amended by the vote of the members of the club in two ways:
1. At a Regular Meeting – by the vote of 4/5 of a quorum properly assembled, whether challenged or not, provided that the proposed amendment has been published in writing not less than thirty days prior to such meeting.
2. By Written Petition to the Board – By petition signed by 3/5 of the active membership currently in good standing as determined by the records of the Secretary and concurred in by the majority of the Board at a regular or special meeting.
1. The Corporation may be dissolved with the approval of a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the total membership.
2. In the event that the “Salinas Area Modelers” Club should dissolve, ownership of all assets, including monies, equipment, and all records shall be transferred to the national organization for aero-modeling, the “Academy of Model Aeronautics”, 5151 East Memorial Dr., Muncie, IN 47302-9252.
1. These Bylaws shall be adopted by a majority vote following publication to all full members at the next meeting of the club and shall be effective immediately. Page 9 of 16
2. All previous rules, regulations and Bylaws in existence or thought to be in existence pertaining to this club are hereby repealed.
Each member of the club shall be provided with access to the website where the Bylaws are posted and shall be required to abide by such as set forth.
Grievances can and are encouraged to be resolved informally. The formal grievance procedure provides instruction for review and equitable progressive discipline by defining possible penalties
- 2. PROCEDURE a. The complainant shall complete the Grievance Form and submit said form to the Chairman of the Safety Committee within 45 days of the alleged incident
- b. The Safety Committee shall review the alleged incident and refer a finding to the Board with a determination of culpability and a recommendation of action to be taken. The Board shall use its judgement in assigning any and all discipline if warranted. i. FIRST COMPLAINT 1. Complainants name will be disclosed.
- 2. Viewpoints of both the complainant and accused will be disclosed.
- 3. After review by the Board and the outcome determines that a violation occurred, a verbal reprimand will be delivered by the Chairman of the Safety Committee.
- ii. SECOND COMPLAINT (of the same nature) 1. Complainants name will be disclosed.
- 2. Viewpoints of both the complainant and accused will be disclosed.
- 3. If the Board agrees with the conclusion of the Safety Committee, the accused will be suspended of flying privileges for a period of thirty (30) days. Written notice of this action shall be issued to the accused and notice of the suspension published in the Club newsletter.
- iii. THIRD COMPLAINT (of the same nature) 1. Complainants name will be disclosed.
- 2. Viewpoints of both the complainant and accused will be disclosed.
- 3. If the Board agrees with the findings of the Safety Committee, the accused will be notified of such findings in writing. The findings will be published in the Club newsletter and a vote for expulsion of the violating member will be scheduled for the next Club meeting.
- 4. The expulsion will be for a minimum of one (1) year (longer if deemed necessary by the Board.
- 2. PROCEDURE a. The complainant shall complete the Grievance Form and submit said form to the Chairman of the Safety Committee within 45 days of the alleged incident
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- 5. A member may be expelled from the Club only upon a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the membership present at the meeting.
- 6. Voting will be by secret ballot.
- 7. The expelled member may reapply for membership after the expiration of the expulsion time period.
- 8. Any member who is expelled is subject to the terms stated in ARTICLE VIII, Item 6. Reinstatement is subject to the terms stated in ARTICLE VIII, Item 7.
3. The three (3) actions will not be enforced unless accumulated within a two (2) year time period.
4. Any member receiving a grievance who directs any retaliatory action against the person filing the grievance will be subject to immediate expulsion from the club. This is to include threats, intimidation, physical harm, intentional equipment damage or any other action deemed to be retaliatory by the Board
Frequency Control (for 72 MHz operation only)
Before you turn on your transmitter, confirm no other pilot is operating on the 72 MHz channel you intend to use. SINCE 72 MHZ USE IS RARE, THIS IS AN INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY
FPV/LOS (Line of Sight) Drone Operations
Do not ever fly over people or personal property. You may have more trust in your system than is warranted, in particular when flying at a frequency contested location. Do not put your aircraft in a position where it can fall on unsuspecting people or cars in the parking lot.
Fly at the PFV/Drone shelter. While not required, it is preferred that FPV operators set up and fly at the FPV shelter on the south end of the field thus easing handling video frequency deconfliction as discussed below. When operating from other areas, please make sure that you have deconflicted FPV frequencies with any other operators at the field before powering up.
Frequency deconfliction. Most RC pilots these days use frequency agile RC systems that have eliminated the frequency control problems of yesteryear; however, FPV has reintroduced frequency conflict into the hobby. Before powering up any FPV system: o Know what frequency and transmit power you are on. If there is any uncertainty, do not power up while anyone else is in the air.
o Talk with any other FPV pilots to make sure they know what frequency and power level you are using.
o If anyone else is in the air, announce your frequency prior to powering up, and be prepared to immediately power down if you interfere with their video feed. Note that some video transmitters briefly broadcast broadband during power-up and may interfere with people operating on different channels. Your warning them will give them a chance to maneuver into a safe place/attitude where they can fly through brief interference without risk of crashing.
o While there are just a few operators, it works best if everyone moves to a
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- different channel, as this minimizes the chance of inadvertently powering up and interfering with someone else.
- o If the club gets to a point where there are many FPV operators, we will reintroduce the frequency board to help alleviate problems.
- o Note that being on a different band from another pilot is no guarantee that you will not step on them. All the bands overlap, so you really need to know your precise transmit frequency. The only optimized band is Race band, and while not all video transmitters support this, if possible, it is preferred for all operators to use Race band, as this will maximize channel separation.
- o When using a video system with adjustable transmit power, please do not broadcast with more power than is necessary, as this may interfere with other operators if you are close to them. Generally, 25 milliwatts will cover the entire infield area, and 200 milliwatts should cover any LOS operations.
- o The above rules pertain to analog video systems, but recently some newer digital HD video systems have come into the market and play by different rules. It is known the same frequency space is shared but the same channel/band designations are not necessarily shared. Until you understand how they interact with each other, please temporally deconflict. If you carry out some simple tests on or near the ground in a safe location and are comfortable with the frequency separation, then you are free to operate simultaneously.
FPV/Drone operators must yield to fixed-wing aircraft, as the fixed-wing operators may not see the smaller drones at any significant range. If there are several fixed-wing aircraft aloft, and you have difficulty tracking their positions, then please avoid the usual racetrack area over the runway, staying low and out of the way.
Do not chase or harass other aircraft without first getting authorization from the operator of the other aircraft. It may be tempting to do, as it can be an exciting experience in proximity flight, but you are putting the other aircraft at risk, and if the other operator is not expecting your presence, your activity might lead them to lose control.
Be safe around yourself and other operators. If you have a new aircraft or one to which you have made hardware/software updates, fly the aircraft LOS first to ensure that it is functional. When under the hood, errant behavior is not always immediately understood, and it just takes a second to end up in the shelter where you and your fellow operators sit.
Flying Priorities Between Helicopters and Fixed Wing Aircraft Helicopter Operations:
Before going to a pad check the Helicopter Status indicator.
If the flag is horizontal the field is open to all fixed wing aircraft.
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If the flag is at a 45° angle a helicopter request has been initiated and all fixed wing
operations are granted 15 minutes from the time of initiation to finish their flights. A fixed wing flight may be started if termination can take place within the allotted time.
If the flag is vertical the airspace is exclusive to helicopters for 15 minutes.
Verbal agreements are allowed but regardless of the number of members flying the flag system should be used in case a member arrives in between a verbal agreement.
After the 15-minute helicopter period 30 uninterrupted minutes will be allotted to fixed wing aircraft.
Engine Running
Do not run your engine on the setup tables, the pit area, or in the drone flying station. Engines should be started only at the aircraft stands, at the flight stations, or on the cement pads at the flight stations with the airplane aimed toward the runway. For engine running other than flight operation, run-up pads are provided at each end of the pit area.
Before Take-off
It is STRONGLY RECOMMEND AND ENCOURAGED that a spotter be present on the flying pad with the pilot during any aircraft operation.
Start your aircraft engine on the flight station pad using the tail restraint provided or an assistant holding the aircraft.
Make only minor adjustments/repairs (needle valve adjustment, prop or plug replacement) at the flight line. Move to a table or run-up pad for more extensive adjustments or repairs.
Determine the take-off and landing direction in use. If there is no wind to establish a direction, a clockwise pattern is preferred taking off and landing to the northwest. Pattern direction should be established with the other pilots present.
Check to make sure there are no small electric aircraft (park flyers) operating in the grassy areas either to the northwest or southeast of the pit area. If there are, observe a flight line that is the edge of the runway next to the flying stations extended straight in both directions to infinity.
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Pilots wishing to fly their small electric models (park flyers) must make their presence known to the pilots using the hard runway.
Aircraft approaching to land have the right of way. Do not taxi out from the pad until the runway is clear of aircraft and none are approaching to land.
Before taxiing out to take-off call out loudly “GOING OUT” or “TAKING THE RUNWAY.” If another pilot has already called out or is on the runway, wait for him/her to take-off first.
In Flight
Never fly over the pit area, toward the pit area, over the sun shelter, parking or picnic areas. Never fly behind the pit/shelter/parking/picnic areas (Exception – gliders, electric powered gliders or electric powered quad-copters, all non-aerobatic).
The first turn after take-off must be away from the pit areas.
Passes over the runway must be made in the existing traffic direction.
The normal flight safety line is the southwesterly edge of the runway immediately in front of the flying stations. At both ends of the runway the safety line bends 30 degrees off the runway direction toward the river (see Figure 1 on page 14). As noted above, if electric park flyers are occupying the grassy area the 30-degree safety line is replaced with a straight line extending from the flying station side edge of the runway.
Reserve flight over the runway for take-offs and landings or for approaches to set up for a landing (except helicopters).
All high speed low altitude passes should be made northeast of the runway over the open grassy area. Under no circumstances is low flight over the pilot stations allowed!
In event of a power failure (dead stick landing) the pilot of the powerless aircraft should call out loudly “DEAD-STICK.” The powerless airplane has the right-of-way and all other pilots must yield the approach path and runway to said airplane.
Drones must give right of way to fixed wing aircraft
Determine the landing direction in use. On the downwind leg loudly call out “LANDING” so others will know your intentions. If another airplane is landing ahead of yours, allow space for it to clear the runway before you land. If another airplane is still on the runway as you approach, apply power and go around the pattern again.
If you are practicing “touch and goes” loudly announce this to other pilots when you are on the downwind leg so others will know your intentions.
If while executing a dead stick landing it is clear you cannot reach the runway, try to avoid the pond area. An airplane going down in the large cultivated field or the foliaged area southeast will go out of sight before touching down. Maintain you control inputs 15 to 20 seconds after losing sight of the aircraft.
After landing promptly taxi your aircraft back to the pad. For safety taxi your aircraft directly toward the safety fencing allowing the fencing to capture the aircraft in case of a malfunction. If you must retrieve the aircraft from the runway call out loudly “ON THE RUNWAY” before walking onto the runway. Make sure other flyers hear you and pay attention to the approach corridor in use. Either retract your transmitter antenna or leave it at the flight pad.
Land and/or taxi on the grassy area on the far side of the runway at your own risk.
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Rough areas can cause a nose-over resulting in a broken prop.
Remove aircraft and equipment from the flight pad area.
Only narrow band and spread spectrum transmitters are allowed to be used at the flying field.
Observe the flight safety deadlines as shown on Figure 1, page 14.
Never turn your aircraft so that it is flying directly toward the pit area.
Never fly behind the pits, parking or picnic areas.
Never run your engine or taxi your airplane in the pit area.
Use a mechanical restraint or have an assistant hold your aircraft while starting the engine on either a flight or run-up pad.
Avoid flying alone since there will be no one else there to help in case of an accident. There is no telephone available at the flying field unless someone present is in possession of a cell phone.
Don’t reach over or around a spinning propeller to remove a glow plug igniter or adjust a needle valve.
First Aid supplies are located in the lock box on the side of the container and in the red box at the transmitter impound area. Both of these boxes are accessible using the gate lock combination number. According to our lease agreement with the County of Monterey, the first person present at the site each day must open the box at the transmitter area. The last person out should close and lock the box as well as the gate.
A fire extinguisher is located in the locked box next to the transmitter impound board. Access is gained by using the gate lock combination number.
Be careful driving and parking in the area as often there are small children present.
Date _______________________ Day__________________ Time_____________________
Location of Event ______________________________________________________________
Describe Violation of Safety Rule
Proposed Solution or Resolution Desired
Additional Witnesses (not required)
Complainant Signature ____________________________
Complainant Printed Name ____________________________
Club Member Witness Signature _____________________________
Club Member Witness Printed Name ______________________________